Private Pilates

Pre/postnatal Classes (updated December 2012)

All of our classes listed below are safe for Pre & Postnatal mamas (including all 3 trimesters in pregnancy and 6-10 wks postpartum, after doctor/midwife clearance):

Mondays @ 7pm-8:15pm Iyengar Yoga (all levels)
Tuesdays @ 4:30pm-5:15pm EXO/ORBIT (all levels)
Wednesdays @6:30am-7:30am EXO/ORBIT (all levels)
Thursdays @ 7pm-8:15pm Iyengar Yoga (all levels)
Saturdays @ 9:15am-10:15am EXO/ORBIT (Pre/postnatal)

*In addition to these classes, you may take many other apparatus classeswe offer as well since modifications can be made for your specific trimester/recovery…however you must inform us before class via e-mail,, so we can discuss which additional classes may be best for you.

Please sign up online at

*If you have any questions regarding pre/postnatal classes please direct them to me, Rebecca Nelson, KÔR owner/instructor & mama of 2 girls, at . I am happy to help you in any way that I can during this special time in your life…it is truly my passion to help you be as healthy as you need to be, both mentally and physically, in order for you to have the birth and recovery that YOU desire.

Stuff you should know about your body and exercise during this time in your life:

If you are a Prenatal mama…
If you are in your 1st trimester you may take any of the Pre/postnatal classes listed at the top or any we offer on our full list of classes (to see a full list go to our classes/schedule page, …however, we recommend you be kind to your body in your 1st trimester and not do anything more than what your body has been used to before you were pregnant. If you are at risk for miscarriage we recommend that you wait to exercise until after you have completed your first trimester and definitely after your doctor or midwife has given you the okay.

If you are in your 2nd or 3rd trimester, the Pre/postnatal classes listed at the top are safe for you and are the only classes we can safely recommend for you at this stage in your pregnancy. The reason for this? Forward flexion (i.e., abdominal crunches) should be avoided. Non-weight bearing forward flexion is fine as we do in “cat stretch or cat/cow poses” . This is to allow the spine to stretch, however there should be no significant exertion coming from the rectus abdominus (6 pack muscles). These muscles are vulnerable to splitting during pregnancy (a condition known as “rectus diastasis”) and in some cases permanent damage is done, especially if you over exert them. So instead, in class we work on the side stabilizers of the body such as the obliques and the deeper layer of the abdominals, the transversus abdominus, all important core stabilizers of the body. Back extension, twisting and single leg exercises also need to be monitored based on your specific conditions. Therefore, it is important to let us know of any pain or discomfort you may be feeling with your body when you start a program with us.

If you are a Postnatal mama…

The Pre/postnatal classes listed at the top are safe for your re-entry into exercise, however, if you suspect your rectus abdominus (“6 pack” muscles) have split apart please e-mail us before you attend class so we can allow a few extra minutes to quickly assess you. Also, this way we can see if your abdominals are ready for the next level of classes, such as our regular Pilates classes that involve loaded forward flexion of the abdominals...however this really is not recommended until several months after you have delivered, anyway to allow the muscles times to adjust to your new, non-pregnant body. It is best to be safe and get checked first so you so don't run the risk of splitting apart your rectus abdominus further what may already split from pregnancy or before pregnancy. If this condition, known as "rectus diastasis" is not addressed at the beginning of your re-entry into exercise after pregnancy then you run the risk of never fully regaining your pre-pregnancy tummy and making any possible condition worse.


5200 Warner Avenue | Suite 109 | Huntington Beach, CA | 92649 | Ph 714.846.5406

Serving Orange County and surrounding cities of: Huntington Beach, Seal Beach,
Sunset Beach, Westminster, Fountain Valley, Rossmoor, Cypress and parts of Long Beach.